We require all children to be signed IN and OUT of the child care center by the parents/or person delivering or picking up the child. Your child will have his/her own clipboard in their classroom with a sign in/out sheet. Please sign it legibly and use your initials and the time. (Please don’t sign “Mom” etc.) The sign in/out sheets are used for emergency evacuations and fire drills.
Please call the center by 9:00AM if your child will not be attending for the day.
From 6:30AM-8:30AM children will be served breakfast.
Lunch is served between the hours of 11:00AM and 12:00PM. If your child arrives after 12:00PM please make sure they have had lunch prior to coming in.
For your child’s safety:
Children are to stay with their parents upon arriving and leaving the center. When arriving or departing, children may not go in or out of the building without a parent.
Children may not open playground gates.
Upon entering and leaving the playground, adults must latch the gates and attach the back strap. The back strap is an additional barrier to a child who may try to leave on his/her own. It gives the staff extra time to get to the gate in an event a child is attempting to leave the playground, so it is critical to have it attached.
Children enrolled in the program will be delivered directly to and picked up from their designated care setting by parents or the parent designee. We cannot release your child to anyone unless their name is listed as a “release person” on your child’s emergency contact form. Anyone picking up your child should have picture identification (i.e. license) and be at least 16 years of age. Any person unfamiliar to a teacher will be asked for their identification. Please remember this is for your child’s safety.
Divorced or Separated Parents: We must allow a child to leave the center with either parent unless we have a copy of the court order giving only one parent custody. We must also have a written note to be kept on file indicating that the other parent is not permitted to pick up the child.
Parents must conform to all Child Care Center policies. If policies are not complied with, the center reserves the right to terminate child care services. The following are examples of possible termination circumstances:
Families do not pay tuition in a timely fashion or do not pay at all.
Families become physically or mentally abusive with teachers, children or other parents.
Families fail to provide the center with current paper work or updated child health assessments.
Differences between the center and family that cannot be resolved.